Good man. I was actually intending to follow-up, in part because I didn't want to unintentionally discourage you.
I'm in France, and believe me, while on the surface that should make things better, it's not entirely the case.
Fact is, when you buy a a part from Ebay, the seller most certainly acquired a tip find or an attic sale and went to the trouble to collect it, dismantle it, and advertise it. The price thus can be anything from reasonable to eye watering. It's the whole nugget of paying for convenience on-line to be honest. There's almost a constant fact too, for one good bike your need to amass about 4 donor bikes. This is painful, and really the bike should be well worth it to go through such butchery and waste. Hence, like I mentioned very early on here in the thread, look for a complete bike.
If it does help, keep an eye out for a Peugeot or Motobecane
ladies bike for parts that did have this kind of set-up - at a guess, even into the 60s pre-Mafac. The French bike industry was rather complex, and I have understood Bebo produced for a while, especially for Peugeot and Terrot. Jeay, I think disappeared much earlier I don't know for sure.
I've said it before, it is best to keep very level headed in these projects. I don't know your budget nor ambition level, but do doff my Beret for having a go down-under in Oz and keeping a flame alive and contributing here