Excellent write up there
@vcballbat - some comments / questions though:
Interesting how they improved on the TdF, especially with setting the position to the large sprocket and having one RD for various blocks and wheel dishing. Wonderful brain melt-down idea to use that fixing pinch bolt to also run the inner cable through it - functionally whacked out to save drilling a cable hole elsewhere were there is little space left
I found putting the cable in the pinch bolt at the end of a floppy bit of chain a real PITA on the TdF; almost a three handed job and lots of swearing with long nose pliers. This looks fiddly too, especially to trim the cable length - can you honestly get a cable cutter in there once attached?
To make it easier, is not best to initially and temporarily put a zip tie around the pulley cage and knuckle to compress the spring and thus to have a longer length of pull chain to work with, thread the cable in and temporary tighten the cable pinch bolt? Then release the zip tie and slowly loosen the cable pinch bolt which
should result in no excess cable slack?