Motoconfort Special Sport 1975, owners translation below.

It's been a while since I've done anything and I've been struggling with my ‘work-in-progress’... To take my mind off the troubles of AutoMoto and Bianchi, I've rehabilitated this nice 1975 Motoconfort Special Sport, in a pink livery, which I don't think is very common.
Its equipment is rather motley but all original, I think:
Huret derailleurs. Allvit at the rear, very nice!
Dia Compe brakes that look just like Weinmann brakes,
Nervar 50-42 crankset
Weinmann rims and Normandy hubs
The layer of grease was quite impressive, so much the better, it protects against rust. All I did was change the handlebars and brake cables, clean everything up and apply a coat of varnish... It runs like a charm!

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Are these your teenage penpals bob, now grown old like the rest of us?
CLC cycles demi course 1983/4. A nice restoration with sensible and sympathetic upgrades. Owners translation below.

I've just finished refurbishing a CLC half-racer I picked up at a garage sale a month ago.
Given the state of the paintwork, it hasn't seen much use and has slept for 40 years in a barn with a lot of straw, which has preserved it. I now understand why the owner put it away.
It had broken spokes at the rear and didn't know what to do about changing the spokes, or finding a new wheel .
On the other hand, the steel rims were pitted and the Nervar steel crankset a bit warped. So I decided to upgrade with Mavic aluminium rims, Shimano hubs and an old Strong TS aluminium crankset. I think it's going to be a winner.
I'll let you be the judge.
CLC demi course 1983⁄4 1.webp CLC demi course 1983⁄4 2.webp CLC demi course 1983⁄4 3.webp
G.L (Lapierre) Demi course, I've no idea of age but components point to the 1970s. Owners translation below.

Hi everyone,
After my 1st restoration on a family Mercier, which is still in progress because it's a long way from home, I started looking for a new project.
And today, I've acquired a GL ... and you're going to ask me what GL is? The initials of Gaston Lapierre. Ben gaston lapierre is the founder of the ‘Lapierre’ brand, famous for its mountain bikes, created in dijon just after the second world war.
The bike seems to be in good original condition.
Lapierre1.webp Lapierre2.webp Lapierre3.webp Lapierre4.webp
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I don't like the colour yellow. There are however always exceptions, this is so pretty it hurts my eyes, the racks 😍 A mid 50s Rochet randonneur, it appears to be completely original. The cat thinks the dynamo engagement is stiff. Owners translation below

I snapped up this mid-50s Rochet road bike at the Vélocipédia market this morning.
It's in good condition. It needs dismantling and a good cleaning.
The handlebar tape, cable sheaths and brake pads will need changing.
As indicated on the small decal, it was bought from Desdion in St Amand Montrond.
I'd known this bike for 2 years, having seen it at a bike show in Bourges. It had already caught my eye.

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1950s Rochet gentlmans bicycle. More town bike than randonneur, the mudguards stays are a work of art. However the fitting of that particular pump I feel is highly optimistic. Owners translation below.

I'd like to introduce you to this Rochet, which I bought about 2 years ago in the hinterland of Marseille.
I've fallen under the spell of its mudguards and lights. Rochet bikes always have that little something extra that makes them so aesthetically pleasing!
I date this bike from the 50s, but as I'm not familiar with that era, I'll leave it to the specialists.
It's very strange that the brake cable runs right over the simplex lever.
What bothers me most is the paintwork. A dark verdigris, it readily reveals a dirty beige to the touch, similar to alumina or downright bare steel. The use of water and polish doesn't seem to have a convincing effect. Especially as the underside of the tube is very greenish-grey.

Rochet 50s 1.webp Rochet 50s 2.webp Rochet 50s 3.webp Rochet 50s 4.webp Rochet 50s 5.webp Rochet 50s 6.webp Rochet 50s 7.webp Rochet 50s 8.webp Rochet 50s 9.webp Rochet 50s 10.webp

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