Dirt Disciple
Hi folks,
I hope that it is cool to post this here, but it's a cracking opportunity for you cycle types! I've been at RUTS for four years and it's a great place to work. Please circulate it.
Post: Bicycle Mechanic/Social Enterprise Development Worker - Wheels of Enterprise
Hours: 35hrs p/w
Salary: £20,828
Responsible to: Project Manager
Responsible for: Supporting you people to gain qualifications in bicycle repair and maintenance. Supporting the set up of a social enterprise project involving recycling bicycles, corporate events etc.
Membership of the PVG scheme will be required
Summary of role
The development worker will be responsible for implementing and then managing this new project providing opportunities for 35 young people per annum to engage in innovative programmes designed to meet their learning needs.
If successful, there is funding available to sustain the enterprise over the next few years as it becomes self-sustaining.
The development worker will:
• Support in the development and implementation of a range of services e.g. mobile bicycle repair, recycling bicycles and resale of bicycles, corporate events
• Support young people in placements in the enterprise activities
• Provide practical bicycle mechanics programmes which will result in the gaining SQA and City and Guilds qualifications.
• Provide social enterprise programme which will result in the gaining of either an SQA Employability Award or City & Guilds Personal development & Employability Award. Each young person will also have the opportunity to complete a youth achievement award.
• Provide the opportunity for each young person to work towards their Trail Cycle Leader.
This is a Midlothian Fairer Scotland funded project
For an application pack email:
Salary will be circa £20,828
Closing Date: 24th June 2013
Interviews 28th June 2013
Ruts is a charity no SC011134 and a Ltd Co registered in Scotland no 10545
I hope that it is cool to post this here, but it's a cracking opportunity for you cycle types! I've been at RUTS for four years and it's a great place to work. Please circulate it.
Post: Bicycle Mechanic/Social Enterprise Development Worker - Wheels of Enterprise
Hours: 35hrs p/w
Salary: £20,828
Responsible to: Project Manager
Responsible for: Supporting you people to gain qualifications in bicycle repair and maintenance. Supporting the set up of a social enterprise project involving recycling bicycles, corporate events etc.
Membership of the PVG scheme will be required
Summary of role
The development worker will be responsible for implementing and then managing this new project providing opportunities for 35 young people per annum to engage in innovative programmes designed to meet their learning needs.
If successful, there is funding available to sustain the enterprise over the next few years as it becomes self-sustaining.
The development worker will:
• Support in the development and implementation of a range of services e.g. mobile bicycle repair, recycling bicycles and resale of bicycles, corporate events
• Support young people in placements in the enterprise activities
• Provide practical bicycle mechanics programmes which will result in the gaining SQA and City and Guilds qualifications.
• Provide social enterprise programme which will result in the gaining of either an SQA Employability Award or City & Guilds Personal development & Employability Award. Each young person will also have the opportunity to complete a youth achievement award.
• Provide the opportunity for each young person to work towards their Trail Cycle Leader.
This is a Midlothian Fairer Scotland funded project
For an application pack email:
Salary will be circa £20,828
Closing Date: 24th June 2013
Interviews 28th June 2013
Ruts is a charity no SC011134 and a Ltd Co registered in Scotland no 10545