Urban Terror

I forgot to mention it's a free download.

If we get enough folk to play we could have a wee game together.
I just took my dog for a work and the title of this thread is what I felt when going out the door...... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
^ Actually laughed at that :LOL: . I've played Urban Terror with a couple of friend online, but I was so horrible I quit after about two weeks. Those damn snipers made it so unenjoyable.
If you are on a map with snipers or cheaters who use aim-bots it can be really annoying.

If we get a few people off here I think we can start our own league and password it so it's sort of regulated.
There would be little point in a league...I've not installed it yet but just give me the crown now.
might have a go when i get some time
will use xpadder and map my trusty old ps1 controller for it :D its about as old as i am! almost...
Just downloading it now :D
I think i'll retain my username from on here,to aid identity if we do get together.

JeRKY":o315b11x said:
There would be little point in a league...I've not installed it yet but just give me the crown now.

Sounds like a direct challenge :LOL: :LOL:
That's the spirit guys :cool:

I didn't mean league Jerky. I think I meant a private server where access is restricted to those with a password.

I don't think a wee league would be out the question. The crown is though :LOL:

My username is like on here but with quattro on the end not just q.