Hi Green Rabbit,
It's good that you're leaning towards the flowers. When you see a plot that's devoted to flowers or the decorative, it really lifts the character of a site from the usual clutter of veg growing. The guy near me who grows only dahlias, his plot looks stunning, in full bloom.
My odd shaped sloping plot (a large truncated triangular area) contains a variety of growing conditions. One corner at the lowest point often floods, so this is going to have a wildlife pond and boggy marginals zone. Towards a corner that's higher, drier and in full sun, we're going to have a wild flower meadow mix leading to a gravel garden. Inspiration comes from Christopher LLoyd's Great Dixter and Beth Chatto's mix of gardens, amongst others. For me, it's not all about fruit, veg and productivity.
On New Year's Day, a small few of us gather on the allotment and enjoy some 'vintage' sloe gin together. It's a good mix of people and it often takes us half an hour to walk the entire length of the site to our plot, after catching up with others.
There are characters, Derek who wins everything and has taken over as site sec from Lawrence and his literary crowd, there's Italian Maria in her late 80's who's fiercely independent speaks broken English but swears prolifically in perfect English, then there's Evel Knievel who's good at scaring pigeons... I'm sure your "strange denizens" thread would do very well.