Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....


Ours are looking plump – bit tart though – need bit more sun on them. Found the first black currant of the season today, before the hens did. Just been planting up loads of toms into tubs. And potted some cyclamen seeds.

First early potatoes, strawberries, peas, spinach, beetroot, all getting picked and eaten fresh. Lovely.
Re: Re:

REKIBorter":20p5ls36 said:
First early potatoes, strawberries, peas, spinach, beetroot, all getting picked and eaten fresh. Lovely.

Nothing beats it man – particularly spuds cooked and buttered just half an hour after being unearthed. Am looking forward to a hedge row spectacular too. Mmm, nom nom nom.

Gooseberries and peas today. Just planted out some yellow courgettes where the potatoes have been lifted.

New potatoes are about half way through. Dwarf Broad Beans have started cropping - delicious if sauteed with bacon lardons and sliced garlic. Have picked a couple of red onions - a bit under ripe but very fresh and tasty. Peas don't even see a pan, get eaten fresh from the pods. Have had a few small courgettes which were gorgeous.

Beetroot the size of tennis balls! First French Beans imminent and five Butternut Squash have set, largest one about six inches so far.
My grandfather was a world expert on potatoes, so we used to have more than thirty varieties growing! There is absolutely nothing more sexy than a fresh spud!