Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....

I have built Mrs HM a potting shed. We have no allotment but have peas and dwarf broad beans in large pots and an old tin bath. I will take a shed porn pic as maybe resurrect the shed thread?

Mmmm... can't beat a bit of shed porn!

Aye, it got a bit fresh over the last few days, with the wind whipping across from the Urals and Baltics. As we get closer to May, things should theoretically get warmer/better – mind you, crazy weather patterns over the last few years have thrown a few curve balls. Got a thick duvet of manure and straw over most of the plot to warm the ground up and have put some clear corrugated panels over beds that can do without manure. Got seedlings coming along protected in walk-in 'green houses' from Wilko.

Yesterday, directly sowed beetroot, parsnip and carrots. Today, planted a dozen each of Shetland Black and Marfona, plus a 120 onion sets. Also today, discovered there's shenanigans happening on our site as most of the committee has resigned and is trying to oust the treasurer and his secretary, for various reasons. One of which includes him annoying the local Churches so much over arrangements for annual flower/veg shows that our allotment site and horticultural society has been banned from the every church hall around Enfield. Also, he's sitting on about £8K of membership funds. Old rage – they're all revolting!
Re: Re:

groovyblueshed":3cy1rql1 said:
Mmmm... can't beat a bit of shed porn!

Aye, it got a bit fresh over the last few days, with the wind whipping across from the Urals and Baltics. As we get closer to May, things should theoretically get warmer/better – mind you, crazy weather patterns over the last few years have thrown a few curve balls. Got a thick duvet of manure and straw over most of the plot to warm the ground up and have put some clear corrugated panels over beds that can do without manure. Got seedlings coming along protected in walk-in 'green houses' from Wilko.

Yesterday, directly sowed beetroot, parsnip and carrots. Today, planted a dozen each of Shetland Black and Marfona, plus a 120 onion sets. Also today, discovered there's shenanigans happening on our site as most of the committee has resigned and is trying to oust the treasurer and his secretary, for various reasons. One of which includes him annoying the local Churches so much over arrangements for annual flower/veg shows that our allotment site and horticultural society has been banned from the every church hall around Enfield. Also, he's sitting on about £8K of membership funds. Old rage – they're all revolting!

That's got potential for a Coen brothers film.
Planted some stuff out, I am experimenting with grafted veg out side with out protection, supposed to be OK, but we will see. need to get the spuds in, and some sets, I have mixed up the veg and the flowers this year, with some semi permanent flower plantings and i will rote the veg,
TheGreenRabbit":2rekltje said:
Planted some stuff out, I am experimenting with grafted veg out side with out protection, supposed to be OK, but we will see. need to get the spuds in, and some sets, I have mixed up the veg and the flowers this year, with some semi permanent flower plantings and i will rote the veg,


Like trees with with different root stocks etc? Sounds intriguing...
Re: Re:

grumpycommuter":15kx5ka3 said:
groovyblueshed":15kx5ka3 said:
Mmmm... can't beat a bit of shed porn!

Aye, it got a bit fresh over the last few days, with the wind whipping across from the Urals and Baltics. As we get closer to May, things should theoretically get warmer/better – mind you, crazy weather patterns over the last few years have thrown a few curve balls. Got a thick duvet of manure and straw over most of the plot to warm the ground up and have put some clear corrugated panels over beds that can do without manure. Got seedlings coming along protected in walk-in 'green houses' from Wilko.

Yesterday, directly sowed beetroot, parsnip and carrots. Today, planted a dozen each of Shetland Black and Marfona, plus a 120 onion sets. Also today, discovered there's shenanigans happening on our site as most of the committee has resigned and is trying to oust the treasurer and his secretary, for various reasons. One of which includes him annoying the local Churches so much over arrangements for annual flower/veg shows that our allotment site and horticultural society has been banned from the every church hall around Enfield. Also, he's sitting on about £8K of membership funds. Old rage – they're all revolting!

That's got potential for a Coen brothers film.


On my next visit, I expect to find a pair of wellies sticking out of the impressive muck pile on our allotment, along with blood stained fork or any other garden implement of choice. They also say the treasurer has dicky ticker, so one knock on the door in the quiet of the night...

Allegedly, he's trying to sue the church over a hall that he was supposed to have booked for a show, but actually never did, and now we're all barred.

I only pootled down to there to quietly plant my spuds and onion sets, but was accosted by a conspiratorial group just inside the gates, rounding up votes and signatures for a new regime.
grumpycommuter":i9uce61c said:
TheGreenRabbit":i9uce61c said:
Planted some stuff out, I am experimenting with grafted veg out side with out protection, supposed to be OK, but we will see. need to get the spuds in, and some sets, I have mixed up the veg and the flowers this year, with some semi permanent flower plantings and i will rote the veg,


Like trees with with different root stocks etc? Sounds intriguing...

Yes, just like that. I have tomato, sweet pepper and aubergine, trying the tomatos and peppers outdoor in the ground with no protections and indoor in a hydroponic unit.
TheGreenRabbit":30dwea6l said:
indoor in a hydroponic unit.

Oh yeah? Needs lots of light and heat does it? Bypassing the electric meter with your own special version of economy 7?
REKIBorter":2byhzaxh said:
TheGreenRabbit":2byhzaxh said:
indoor in a hydroponic unit.

Oh yeah? Needs lots of light and heat does it? Bypassing the electric meter with your own special version of economy 7?

Renee, the dude two doors down the Close from me specialises in that kinda bag. Always an exotically pungent aroma wafting over from his garden pagoda. Wondered why me bills were so high.

Picked up a 3mx2m fruit cage with netting at the local 'expensive' garden centre for £10 :D

Looks like we will be planting fruit bushes this year.