Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....


I'm going on the Saturday. Got the whole of the following week off for building new quarters for my hens, seed sowing and heaps of digging at the allotment, so the show will mark the start of things.

Day on the allotment today with the whole family. Pictures when I have popped them on the computer. Plus I saw my first Red Kite today. It was an absolute stunner, drifting over the plot maybe 50 to 60 ft up. I was so in awe that I forgot I had my camera with me :facepalm:
dilemma, ive got some early spuds chitting id like to put them in this weekend but they've only been chitting for 2-3 weeks, I read they need 6. also I going away for 2 weeks and worried they will dry out if I put them in now (if it dosent rain). do I chance it or wait till im back? I also have onions and other seeds to go in as well

also ive taken on a new plot, I know I should treat it with some manure but ive been told ill have to leave it for some time after, id like to get planting is there anything else I can use or will I be ok to fork some in then plant?
lumos2000":sv3tlzgy said:
dilemma, ive got some early spuds chitting id like to put them in this weekend but they've only been chitting for 2-3 weeks, I read they need 6. also I going away for 2 weeks and worried they will dry out if I put them in now (if it dosent rain). do I chance it or wait till im back? I also have onions and other seeds to go in as well

also ive taken on a new plot, I know I should treat it with some manure but ive been told ill have to leave it for some time after, id like to get planting is there anything else I can use or will I be ok to fork some in then plant?

If it was me I'd get the spuds in this weekend. Are you ok with spacing distances and stuff? Don't worry too much about watering at the moment. Onion sets are ok now too.

I read somewhere it's ok to pop some bonemeal in the holes when you plant the spuds.

Today we planted:

Pentland Javelin spuds
Red Onions
Dwarf Broad Beans
grumpycommuter":3gwwixdq said:
lumos2000":3gwwixdq said:
ive got some chicken manure pellets, it was 2 for 1 on a box at homebase, ill work the rest out

Did you get your spuds in?

no unfortunately not, but having the extra hour light I plan to do them this week, got loads to do and work is getting in the way :(

Anyone have any good tips for deterring rabbits? We have chicken wire fencing all round the plot but they are a determined bunch of veggie hooligans. May give Anti-Pesto a call.


Anyone getting itching trowels getting desperate to get stuff in the ground. Must resist! We have had a couple of frosts this week, don't want to ruin my precious seedlings I am growing on in the cold frame.

So far we have in the ground:

Pentland Javelin
King Edward
Pink Fur Apple
Red Onion sets
Dwarf Broad Beans

Waiting to be planted:

Pak Choi
White onions
Butternut Squash

Seeds to plant directly:
Runner beans
French beans
plus later croppings of some of the above.