Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....

I don't have an allotment, but I have a little strip outside my balcony in the shared garden that I can call my own. Planted the tomato seeds last week, and they've sprouted on the window sill, will probably plant in pots on the balcony. Just planted some shrubs, as I had to dig out the ground, as previous people had grown garlic, and it had covered the bed. I gave up trying to tame it and dug the lot out, with everything else, leaving me with a blank canvas. Threw in some daffs and bluebells the other week, just so it wasn't naked. Trouble is, it's a shady spot. Any suggestions for what to plant? I'm not much of a gardener
Just found this off topic thread.Good to know there are other here growing their own.
The plot thickens on RB :facepalm:
We had a barn raising on Saturday! It was just like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers but with a mild West Midlands twang....Since my dad has took charge we (he) has done more in two months than i managed in two years :facepalm:

Loads to do still. We are off to collect an ebay summerhouse this weekend which should keep the ladies very happy indeed.

As for plants, the ground is so riddled with nettle roots and couch grass that after loads of digging it will be mainly spuds....we have plumped for Kestrel.

Good to see there is interest in veggies and that i am not the only old codger!


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Evening all fellow Allotmenteers! Good to see it's not all just "bike bits", as the missus says.

I used to be "boy band" once, but now I'm a whiskery and "grumpy silly old Hector" with a "beetle belly", apparently. Seems commitment to The Struggle has taken its toll, I fear.

The barn looks well and truly raised Karl - nice. Looks like you had some moral support on the tundra there. My shed's seen better days over 14 years. It's been broken into, vandalised, set on fire, blown over, then sawn in half and moved to the current site. The damp cold weather over the last year has taken its toll and now I'm thinking of giving it a viking burial and replacing it in September. Looks like you got a nice open site with some wooded fringe. The large red brick wall looks intriguing... Also, like the reinforced container next to your shed – I'm trying to source some of these in preparation for the next drought.

The abundance of nettles means that you have good fertile ground and a crop to compost into fertiliser. Though the couch grass is a sod.

Had a couple of days over the allotment over Easter, assessing things, clearing and measuring up for a new plan. Started preparing the beds for the spuds. Our council have just started work on a flood prevention scheme between the allotments and the golf course at the head of the valley. They'd cleared a substantial strip of trees and hedgerow for this unfortunately – there goes our supply of sloes for the next stock of gin :( . The upside is that they'd left mountains of wood chips, so I filled several builder's bags and made some paths too.

There was plenty of wildlife about and we spotted a red kite gliding over the site, which sent the pigeons to cover. The Kites are now getting closer to the edge of London.

Pyro Tim, are you just after decorative planting? I'll post some options for shade planting.

Green Rabbit, I go to most of the RHS shows and open day events in and out of London – good to meet up. Went to Chelsea twice a few years back and found it too overpriced and crowded. Did Hampton Court last year and got tickets for this year – it's a much better setting and space. Got tickets for the Malvern Shows too – tempted to sling the bike in the van too for a quick downhill blast there, for old times... Hoping to get out to RHS Hyde Hall and also Beth Chatto's this summer (if we ever have one).

Will post a list of spuds/crop plans/pics, at some point, FYI.

Meanwhile, here's a snap of the red kite gliding over our allotment on Sunday.

The plot thickens, rather than losing it ;)


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For me, mainly decorative, yes. Have an easterly facing balcony, but it's shaded by mahoosive Rhododendrons, and trees, and can't cut them.
groovyblueshed I will be at the RHS show in London on Friday Orchids and Botanical Art next week, I know what you mean about Chelsea I took SWMBO on the Tuesday and that was hell, I go by myself on the Monday and that's nice to walk around, just me, the press, a few celebs and the Queen. I will be doing Hampton Court at some stage not sure on the day.
Mares tail :evil:

My plot has a high water table and has a lot of the nightmare weed.Due to the proximity of other building dynamite is out of the question. :shock: Any body know how the get raid of it :facepalm:
no, they are the border of the grounds, and shared. Not on my patch so to speak. I managed to get the gardeners to trim them from 12 feet high to 8. Will start pushing them to cut them back so they don't come into the shared garden quite so much. It's grey today, will take some pics when there is some sun, so I can show it with the shade, and when it's in sun