Unknown GT in Guatemala!


Dirt Disciple

I'm in Guatemala at the moment and in a hostel I have been staying they have this GT rebranded badly as a Trek.

Can anyone shed some light on it as I'd be interested in shipping it home to the UK.

I'm here until Monday so any help before then would be brilliant.

I've been looking at the site for the last year but never got around to signing up! I hope this post provides the GT professors a challenge!

I think the number on the BB is 180...









spiralsmile":3p6edm97 said:
Can anyone shed some light on it as I'd be interested in shipping it home to the UK.


I don't know what frame it is :(
As for shipping to the U.K. it'll cost quite a lot. Not really worth it unless it turns out to be a Lightning or Xizang. Doubtful though, sorry.
Looks like an early 90s Karakoram. I would have to agree that it probably isn't worth the expense and trouble to ship it.
xizang":16vwkih8 said:
Not really worth it unless it turns out to be a Lightning or Xizang. Doubtful though, sorry.

Yup, very doubtful with the rust on it.

Treat it as a holiday romance, have great fun riding it as often as you can while your out there but don't make any false promises to stay in touch when you get back. Things never look the same in the gloomy, cloudy, cold light of the UK. You'll very soon start to fall out of love, all those quirks like the badly set up gears and poor brakes will start to irk you. The idiosyncratic looks with it's fake decals and spots of rust will just look minging. You'll ride it every one in a while out of a sense of duty rather than for pleasure then one day you'll just stop riding it all together. You'll feel obliged to do something about it, take it in to get fixed and likely as not get landed with a huge maintenance bill.

Give it the ride of its life on your last day there then simply say good by and walk away. Bring back happy memories and with any luck no embarassing weeping saddle sores.
Is Guate still full of Canadian hippies with nasal problems, and lone American men ALL claiming to be ex navy Seals? :p
i believe in fixies":ktq0az5r said:
xizang":ktq0az5r said:
Not really worth it unless it turns out to be a Lightning or Xizang. Doubtful though, sorry.

Yup, very doubtful with the rust on it.

Treat it as a holiday romance, have great fun riding it as often as you can while your out there but don't make any false promises to stay in touch when you get back. Things never look the same in the gloomy, cloudy, cold light of the UK. You'll very soon start to fall out of love, all those quirks like the badly set up gears and poor brakes will start to irk you. The idiosyncratic looks with it's fake decals and spots of rust will just look minging. You'll ride it every one in a while out of a sense of duty rather than for pleasure then one day you'll just stop riding it all together. You'll feel obliged to do something about it, take it in to get fixed and likely as not get landed with a huge maintenance bill.

Give it the ride of its life on your last day there then simply say good by and walk away. Bring back happy memories and with any luck no embarassing weeping saddle sores.

Pick it can't be a Pantera, it's obviously a steel frame the tubing and welds aren't big enough for aluminum. U-brake with U-II so probably 89-90 and with the RM-20's above a Karakoram I'd say a K2 or Elite.