Unconventional Zaskar?

Neil":2jzjqwrs said:
Yeah, sure, it's entirely innocent - yet I can recall several threads, over the last few days, with you chucking in the Al Carter "look at me" comment, which appears entirely un-coincidental, after your recent spat with Rusty Scrubber.

If you've got unfinished business, what not take it to PM, rather than the repeated, snide digs?

Why dont you simply mind your own business instead?
legrandefromage":218yc1mu said:
Neil":218yc1mu said:
Yeah, sure, it's entirely innocent - yet I can recall several threads, over the last few days, with you chucking in the Al Carter "look at me" comment, which appears entirely un-coincidental, after your recent spat with Rusty Scrubber.

If you've got unfinished business, what not take it to PM, rather than the repeated, snide digs?
Why dont you simply mind your own business instead?
I'll do what I like, sunshine, whether you like it or not - after all, you seem free to.

Just think it's a bit pathetic, really - given all the postering, recently, about how people behave on the forum.
Neil - wind your neck in, have a cup of tea or whatever, theres far more going on in the world than just you, me or this site. Yes, its a purile sense of humour but so what, when did you become the forum's conscience - want to be a moderator? Ask the site owner but dont whine on somebody elses thread.
legrandefromage":1kcldfie said:
Neil - wind your neck in, have a cup of tea or whatever, theres far more going on in the world than just you, me or this site. Yes, its a purile sense of humour but so what, when did you become the forum's conscience - want to be a moderator? Ask the site owner but dont whine on somebody elses thread.
Tell you what, I'll wind my neck in when you do.

It's the repeated baiting, whilst at other times spouting the moral highground.

Point being, it's simply unnecessary antagonism.

As to the somebody elses' thread, I'm as free to comment, just like you are. If you don't like it, well physician, heal thyself.

Otherwise quit your whining, I've called you dead bang on this.
Yeah whatever - blah blah blah.

Meanwhile somewhere back on the topic of unconventional Zaskars. As my Zaskar was my sole mode of transport for about two years, it suffered all sorts of weird set-ups.

I cant remember the triple clamps' brand but they were a distinctive yellow colour and were found at a carboot for £40 so on they went. Then there were the RST and the Judy DH, the Pace RC31 and countless other forks.

These were the early 'do it all frames' so unless you are going catalog spec, there is no reason to worry about the front end. As before, I'd found the MAG21's way too flimsy so was always on the hunt for alternatives from about the second week of ownership.
These do ya ?




Yes :cool:, that's more like it!

I really love that first example, which is more or less what I have in mind for my project: Manitou's, Racelines :D , but no risers though ;) .

Just on a side note - it's only since I've been on here that I've really every heard this 'GT must have RockShox' stuff. I used to run Mag 21s on my Zaskar when I first had her, but that was purely because that was what was fitted to the previous frame, before I trashed it. Ooops.

My recent rebuild is with RC36 and I love them. Very nice, responsive fork. Go for what you fancy is what I say and bugger what everyone else thinks. :)

(Pics of my Zaskar with RC36 on my signature).