UK online safety act, LFGSS disappearing.

A lot of food bank users are not in 'poverty', but a change of income has caused a need to go there, the money is tied up in car payments, house payments, Retrobike PayPal repayments other payment etc and use them to get by because they can. Which is good. Society helping others rather than making everyone pay for everything.

Yes there are plenty of poverty, the UKs measure of poverty that's classed as about 15% of the population.
Poverty is down since the 90s, though food insecurity, a different measure saw a rapid increase in the past few years.

It's on the gov website somewhere.

Though I'm not quite sure what that has to do with websites and new rules.
A lot of food bank users are not in 'poverty', but a change of income has caused a need to go there, the money is tied up in car payments, house payments, Retrobike PayPal repayments other payment etc and use them to get by because they can. Which is good. Society helping others rather than making everyone pay for everything.

Yes there are plenty of poverty, the UKs measure of poverty that's classed as about 15% of the population.
Poverty is down since the 90s, though food insecurity, a different measure saw a rapid increase in the past few years.

It's on the gov website somewhere.

Though I'm not quite sure what that has to do with websites and new rules.

A lot of people live well beyond their means. Average salaries don’t equate to a new car every 3 years , a new build house , 3 holidays a year etc.

And then when something like interest rates rise , or just inflation related costs go up they struggle. Nobody seems to leave themselves wiggle room let alone save anything for a rainy day.

Since I’ve always been performance related in terms of pay I’m very nervous when taking on debt or committing to monthly costs. When buying our house they couldn’t grasp that I only wanted a quarter of my borrowing capacity. Downside is that obviously could live in a much more expensive house / but plus side is I’m not living hand to mouth and have zero debt.
Poverty is down since the 90s, though food insecurity, a different measure saw a rapid increase in the past few years.
Poverty in working age adults is the same or slightly worse now than the 90s. Poverty has decreased for pensioners over the last 30 years with child poverty also down slightly. 15% of the population being in poverty (I've seen it measured as high as 21%) is still dreadful - equivalent roughly to populations of Scotland, NI and Wales combined.

You're right, its way off topic....and extremely hard to discuss without falling foul of forum rules on politics...which neatly puts us back ON topic.
@Imlach @Woz

Better set up that underground Inn toot sweet.

Think we are "sort of good". but final decision with @john of course.

The behaviour, general language and taking on the house rules is extremely serious at the Inn and is miles apart from LFGSS.

We've come a very very long way from the let loose honeymoon period. 10000 pages and nothing but people joining from all over the world sharing and people being very attentive and interested. In one very odd way, for some, which we didn't expect, the Inn is a comfortable landing platform for the rest of the site. It stresses and makes me very very happy that we aim to all get along.

The roots for somewhere for us to hang-out and still be part of Retrobike, talk bike, talk other stuff is still the guiding light.

We've organised ourselves, and are constantly present and won't tolerate anyone or content jeopardising the Inn nor Retrobike.

No reason to panic nor have a knee-jerk reaction I believe. Sanity, common sense, and dialogue will hopefully prevail.

We are though ..... human. Some more human than others I will say ;)

@Imlach is sub-human and super-human at the sametime. He's just shy to show it. :p
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