Ugly modern bikes

Funny, I just watched Sam pilgrims latest video, and hes going on about his new canyon and how its the best looking bike ever [ I know he says that with every bike he gets because hes paid to say so ] BUT imo its one of the worst bikes ive ever seen.. And very typical of the kind of bike I cant stand thesedays.. Looks the exact same as the last one, and the competitors one and on and on..
ill take this any day !!!


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Funny, I just watched Sam pilgrims latest video, and hes going on about his new canyon and how its the best looking bike ever [ I know he says that with every bike he gets because hes paid to say so ] BUT imo its one of the worst bikes ive ever seen.. And very typical of the kind of bike I cant stand thesedays.. Looks the exact same as the last one, and the competitors one and on and on..
🤣😂 yes it looks exactly like another one. Not surprised as they’re all made by the same factories in Taiwan no doubt and built according to the same design language. Homogenous just like everything else. I mean most cars now look the same
This is the FRM Gravel ‘Adventure’ bike.
It looks like a proper bike but why drop bars on what’s supposed to be an ‘adventure’ bike? Makes it look inbred


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This is the FRM Gravel ‘Adventure’ bike.
It looks like a proper bike but why drop bars on what’s supposed to be an ‘adventure’ bike? Makes it look inbred
My guess is they said if we throw all the grip positions onto one bar, everybody will be happy kinda philosophy..:LOL:
I couldn't even tell what that Susser posted above even was. They literally all look alike, and there appears to be one main suspension design 🤔
I’m sure there were plenty of ugly retro bikes too! I bought a modern bike earlier this year and I did struggle to find one I liked the look of, was more about the spec in the end.

At least there does seem a little bit of variety in modern MTBs. Going back to get my bike at a cyclists cafe earlier on the road bikes hanging in the racks literally all looked the same from a distance. Was only when I got a bit closer that I could see the grey logos on the black frames were different brands.
At least there does seem a little bit of variety in modern MTBs. Going back to get my bike at a cyclists cafe earlier on the road bikes hanging in the racks literally all looked the same from a distance. Was only when I got a bit closer that I could see the grey logos on the black frames were different brands.

The road bikes have to tend towards the same design for efficiency, whereas other bike styles like mtb allow for more rider preference.

And of course black and grey are the most efficient colours🤣