U Brake Instruction sheet


Dirt Disciple
I've got the original service instruction sheet for Shimano DeoreXT U-Brakes. BR-M731 (and BL-M730 brake lever) dated Jan 1987. It's got full exploded view etc.

Would it be worth scanning and posting or is it readily available on this site or elsewhere? I'd have to persuade my friendly DTP/graphics people to scan it for me, so don't want to do it if it's something easily available.

If I do post it, what would be the best forum?

Or if anyone wants a scan sent direct or a photocopy snail-mailed, PM me.

Cheers all.
Would be great in the scans section.

Maybe send direct to John, or else to Elev12K on here.

And I for one would certainly welcome a personal copy please!
