

BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
BoTY Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
AMP Research Fan
What the **** is wrong with me...

I've just spent days trying organise the bike shed so I can at least get into it. Only to stand at the door when nearly finished and think to myself, I could probably get a couple more bikes in here.

I seem to find more and more space in the same house. What last year only accomodated about six bikes, now seems to be able to hold a seventh and maybe even an eigth. Its just a re-examining of the same possibilities and is probably existentially a very sound way to live. :LOL:
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Dont worry, i cleaned out my shed the other day, got rid of cabinets and stuff that hasnt been used in years.

it has given me loads more room for more bikes but i need to be a member of the SAS to try to sneek more bikes in without my wife knowing !
I’ve spent this morning creating ‘sections’ for each bike brand and arranging them to hang in date/ model order.

Just the Kona korner left to sort another day but there’s no rush as only 1 is a complete bike with rest as frames.