Sorted Tune Speedneedle black

Smud takes a long time to reply i found. I sadly sold my Smud seat. But its still the best seat i've owned. Great flex. wish i hadn't sold.
Smud takes a long time to reply i found. I sadly sold my Smud seat. But its still the best seat i've owned. Great flex. wish i hadn't sold.
Likewise. I added a thin cover to reduce sliding but comfort was sublime for me. I broke mine and had it repaired but I don't know what I did with it. His prices were a steal some years back when I first got one but now they're over 200 euros. He has stopped making saddles now due to health problems and they seldom come up secondhand
This thread sorted me last time (thanks TinTin!) but I am looking for another Speedneedle. Must be black, may consider other colours if the price is good and "marathon" variety preferred but not essential.
