Trimble respray (spot the respray) complete

My thoughts echo those of RBG and Andy.

Why this one? :? It was a nice paintjob before.

And sorry but if you can see the weave then you've almost certainly gone through the gelcoat. The paint undercoat is the white stuff!
this was mine when kris sanded it down ➡️

Which is just how mine looks. Just with a bit more undercoat still on
Don't think the white is the gel coat. They look like they have a clear gel on them. If there are no fibers visible (or to be felt) then all should be well.

If there is any area where you are concerned then any good sailing shop should be able supply gels & resins but I reckon you're fine. ;)
Plus now I have rubbed it down. The frame is not (too my untrained eye) 100% glass fiber. Round the BB I can make out the wrapping and the BB support is a lot darker almost carbon fiber looking. I like the look in side. Looks like a 'cave'
Should I rub more undercoat off or respray as it is with new undercoat??

And if anybody as seen what the chain does to the rear stay. Will know that rubbing down is no problem