Trek 9900 Pro Issue

Otherwise if it was a size larger I would buy it.......

Trying to find myself a larger one long time.
:cool: It's just my size but I've already spent my budget for expensive bikes this week. :D Is that price in pounds or dollars? It has a $ in front of the price! Does that mean he'll accept £300 for it? :twisted:

We had one of these as the shop team race bike bitd. On the first race with it our rider took a 2mm deep gouge out of the top tube. Trek told us to repair it with Araldite! AfaIk it is still being used to this day.

Yep she's my steed and i dont really wanna drop much more on the price to be honest its hardly getting used at the mo but i dont really need the money and i have other bike i use often, Its currently up for £450ono



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