Toxik Harald's Annual Show & Shine 2019

Re: Re:

danson67":2650l6xa said:
Can anyone loan me a bike for the cruise out in the afternoon?

I'm coming down from UBC on the bus and promise to take good care of any much-loved ride.

All the best

I’m not jealous at all Dan! Hope you’re having a good time over there
danson67":2y0980wv said:
Can anyone loan me a bike for the cruise out in the afternoon?

I'm coming down from UBC on the bus and promise to take good care of any much-loved ride.

All the best
Woodsie":2y0980wv said:
Hoping to be there with Ti x 2 and maybe the odd Brodie depending on space.
That's the spirit W.
Looking forward to hangin' with ya.

I'm sure we can hook you up with a decent ride.

Another show and shine is done. We had an excellent turn out. Weather was good. I'd like to thank BC, Tony, Mr Dry Skull, Shamobius in particular for their contributions this year.
The caliber of builds was amazing. Hope my new friend Dan from UK had a good time. Very nice to meet you. :)
Sad to say I forgot my camera at home. I will be relying on any and all who attended to post what you got.
There are some available on facebook vintage Canadian mountain bike page.
We've already started to plan for next year. Kicking tires on theme ideas. If you have an idea let us know.

p.s. What happened to you Yanks?
Big no show from our buddies south of the border.


Another incredible day at Toxik's Paint Lab. The calibre of bikes on display was unbelievable, as always. To see so much titanium, though drab :) was mind boggling! And we were all eager to see the beryllium RekTek BC was bringing. Then there was the added surprise of Rod Kirkham's very first Off-Road Toad circa 1979, which has a great genesis story of it's own (well told by Harald). But Roy really had a unicorn among unicorns up his sleeve: a bike that didn't even exist in theory! None of us even knew that there was such a thing as a titanium Toad, but well...

20190505_115550 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115310 by shamalama88, on Flickr

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20190505_115328 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_152450 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_152455 by shamalama88, on Flickr

Apologies for the lack of better photos. It will need a proper photo shoot soon. The bike is set up as Roy obtained it with no changes as of yet; a tasty build is sure to follow!
and some more grist for the mill:

20190505_115518 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114722 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115459 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115421 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115354 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115247 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115222 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114656 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114649 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114631 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114620 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_114615 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120917 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120904 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120744 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120734 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120727 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_120713 by shamalama88, on Flickr

20190505_115558 by shamalama88, on Flickr

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