Touring. Trailer or racks? Pros and cons please? How far is

i prefer to have a massive heavy duty gym bag on my back rather then add weight to the bike

wont suit some people but i dont have the added weight of extra metal to carry the bags on the frame

feel like the bike is more nimble
not that i tan it if im fully loaded :eek:
Thanks but my back is already shot away. I was planning to ride with a camelbak with snacks/map etc in it

First decision made.


That's a great base for a MTB tourer. I have the same seatstay mounted U-brake on mine, and they are powerful stoppers with the Koolstop mountain pads.

Another vote for racks and panniers. You can balance out the load a bit with a half-sized top tube mounted frame bag. Maybe a set of slicker, narrower tyres.

Pack minimally, keep it as light as possible even if it means forgoing cooking gear, and eat dry food instead. I find a small ti pot on a pop can stove can do quick oats, noodles, hot drinks etc and weighs nothing, packs small.
best o' luck with it!