Touring Bike Challenge: Vintage Peugeot Racer


Retro Newbie
I have just bought this very exciting 1979(-81?) Peugeot. My challenge is to upgrade it and use it in a tour of northern Europe. I have a budget of +/- 200 pounds. Does anyone have any advice on how to make it tour-worthy? brakes? cassettes? Anything at all, use your imagination!
More images here:
Seat may be horrid. Brake blocks probably wooden so replace. Gears unfeasibly high by modern standards so lower a lot. MTB chain set maybe? That may mean new mechs.
On top of that I would be checking tyres and tubes and assuming new cables are needed although judging by the computer sensor on the front wheel it has been used this century.
Yeah i have a new seat ready and aero brakes, so will be changing the cables when i do that. Any recommendations on brands/specific parts for the brakes/chainset?
I'm sorry but my imagination will only stretch to selling it and buying something like a Ridgeback World Tour....

Dual pivot brakes any will be better than whats on there already you will need to change the bottom bracket to fit a triple chainset I would go for a sealed cartridge unit from shimano along with a chainset + mechs. Upgrade the tyres to a 28mm width if you have the clearance, mudguards will be a plus.

@kingbling thanks! i actually have some 28mm that i can try on it. And i feel like rain is likely so mudguard are a good suggestion

Brick lane bikes do some nice shiney alloy mudguards which wouldn't look out of place. I have some on my winter commute bike (also French and made with Vitus 172) and the keep you dry and look fast! ..Providing you get a saddle with loops - a nelson longflap carradice saddle bag might useful.

How much stuff are you wanting to carry?
Just had a good look at your pictures you might want to think about changing wheels as tubs aren't the best set up for touring

Spa cycles have budget triple chainsets at about £30 .
If your wheels are tubs you should really change them .A good s/h set maybe ,check the rear drop out wiidth to make sure they will fit . £80/£100
Brakes upgrade . are they allen key or bolt on . £40
Mechs front and rear to take a triple set up + levers. £40
Rack and p clips for rear £15 sh
Panniers ? £30+

You will be lucky to do the upgrades for £200 even buying used parts imho