Totally Retro?

I now only own in built up and rideable form a '93 Klein fervour. because of sentimental reasons dating back to my start in mountainbiking in '95 it weaqrs a selection of mid '90s kit, rather than being truly period accurate. Also, although I have the 'period' bits in a drawer I run 'modern' gears and handlebar/seatpost to maximise my enjoyment over the sort of riding I do nowadays, whick is a fair bit more 'technical'.
Basically my riding and bikes progressed to a point where the bike seemed to be creating a buffer between me and the trail. I felt like I was using suspension, disc brakes and the like to deal with the terrain when I used to have to use my skill. I wanted that back and since I've stored my modern bikes I am enjoying riding so much more.
matt.bee":1oakbgp1 said:
Basically my riding and bikes progressed to a point where the bike seemed to be creating a buffer between me and the trail. I felt like I was using suspension, disc brakes and the like to deal with the terrain when I used to have to use my skill. I wanted that back and since I've stored my modern bikes I am enjoying riding so much more.

This is exactly my experience! My heart wanted retro stuff for quiet a while, but my brain didn't let my buy it. As I was riding a lot of races, I just wanted stuff that made me go faster. But since I quit racing, I started enjoying MTB riding much more. No more rides while looking obsessed at my heart rate monitor instead of feeling the trail.
Switching from modern to retro was the next step. Yes, I have to work harder on my Stump with canti's and 50 mm travel up front (instead of a very light carbon Canyon with 100 mm sid and disc brakes). But I enjoy the sh*t out of it!
Retro all the way for mountain bikes. Who needs 6 feet of suspension and horrible slugish handling when they are trashing proper trails in the FoD with crappy trail center runs that are smoother than a lot of roads. :evil:
......But I do have a modern road bike :oops:

Bikes: none newer than '97

Newest in use not later than '91

Guitars: none newer than '85

Hifi: '80s Technics

TV: '90s Grundig flat CRT

Car: '93 Mercedes E220
