Tool to face 1 1/4" headtube

We have frame chasing and facing tools in the shop, but we are a bit of a way from you unless you fancy a drive out/weekend away?
Cycle:Recycle":3rb3vcj9 said:
We have frame chasing and facing tools in the shop, but we are a bit of a way from you unless you fancy a drive out/weekend away?

Bit of a trek but ta anyway.
a facing tool suitable for 1.5in headtubes should do it nicely

any decent bike shop should have one
I've got an old Alpinestars facer/reamer, but I don't know whereabouts Retrobike HQ is, pm me if interested.
I would also use a 1.5" facer if the down tube will clear the facer. The danger is it won't. I have a 1" head tube that I cannot face as all the facer today are 45mm and a 37mm facer is neede to clear the head tube. It's a problem I cannot solve at present.
bm0p700f":27ta0gre said:
I would also use a 1.5" facer if the down tube will clear the facer. The danger is it won't. I have a 1" head tube that I cannot face as all the facer today are 45mm and a 37mm facer is neede to clear the head tube. It's a problem I cannot solve at present.


Do you mean that you need to ream the internal headtube rather than face the top/bottom edge?
If you need to face the top edge then the facer here would do the trick:
Or if you need to ream inside 1 inch HT then:

Took a look at your website and shop online, nice work :)
Not ream the inside, face the head tube. All the faers though are designed with 1 1/8" headtubes in mind and are 45mm in diameter. This frame has very little headtube protursion at the bottom so the facer will atually cut into the down tube lugs if I try an fae the bottom face.

This is the problem. A 1" facer tool with a 37mm diameter will do nicely.
I do not have this problem on most 1" frames. My facing tools work fine on them it just my frame that's the problem.

I have a 1" reamer anyway.
I have a tool kit for sale with the facing/reaming headtubes for 1", 1 1/8 and 1 1/4" headsets but it ain't cheap and it'd cost a lot to get it to the UK, you're probably best off to find an shop and take the frame to them somewhere there. Any shop that's been around since the 80s should own the right size park tools, especially if they ever sold custom made frame brands.