Tonight I am crying into my tea!!


Devout Dirtbag
Advice from the retrobiker collective mind please (Again!!)

The reason I'm crying is because I've just realised my dropouts appear to be bent, at least I hope it's just the drop outs. Not sure how it's happened wether in storage for the last 8 years or at the powder coaters but the wheels don't fit right they are too tight and kinked to one side.

What are my options?


Specialist framebuilder

Start again with a new frame although I've spent a fortune on parts for this one already and it's got sentimental value.

Can any of this be done without damaging the brand new powder coat?

The LBS should have the basic kit and be able to tell you what the actual problem is. What is the frame made of?
I'm fairly sure if its steel you can whack an adjustable spanner round them and welly them back, if it's alu it may be a much bigger job... also is it just the dropouts or stays that are bent?
Its steel so thats one bonus

Not sure what is out of whack though thats what I need to ascertian to see how bad the problem is.
If it's steel then it's alright! Pretty much any problem is fixable with steel, take it to your lbs for advice...
Bob Jackson's'll fix it :cool:

Steel is great for being repaired, and what you can do (if you have the inclination) is almost endless!
If its a steel bike then you have no worries and it can be very easily bashed/bent back into shape :D
Powdercoat may suffer though,depends on how good the shop you take it to is,you could ask them to wrap the ends and do all they can to minimize any damage.
Cheers boys making mre feel a little bit better.

The Park link was quite reassuring.

It's really just the damage to the coating that'll be the issue then.
It's not just too much powdercoat on the dropouts?

This is pretty common post powdercoat IMHO, and will cause the wheels to not fit in the dropouts, or sit out of alignment..................


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