Titanium fork identification help


Would ask to CCMDoc… He showed me a fork like those he got…
It seems to be some Mc Mahon BMX ti forks
pete_mcc":1kpt3c3r said:
And I’m not sure the legs are titanium, they look more like hard anodised alu, that colour just doesn’t scream Ti.
Also the steerer is far too thick for Ti, that’s certainly alloy

This is what I thought - so you saved me typing it :D


The colour and finish on the legs (the darker one) is very similar to my dynatech torus. Steerer is thick and wondered if it was alloy, but why bother annodising it to a ti colour?

Is there any way of testing/confirming, as aside from the magnet test to rule out steel, I've no idea.

Ti will have a sharp ring to it when tapped with something hard the aluminium will be somewhat duller in tone.
They seem too lardy for Ti. A good steel fork with a longer steerer is around 900 grams.
Woz":2u1mk53c said:
They seem too lardy for Ti. A good steel fork with a longer steerer is around 900 grams.
I think the 500g block of alloy crown is not helping in the weight dept.

I'll weigh them again, they feel really light and I was surprised what the scales reported back.

Ti, not ti? I'd like to figure it out.

Ping test has a nice ting, not like alu, but I've nothing to compare them with.

Nice forks either way, will look nice on a ti frame I have in the stash. Just wish I knew what they were.
Re: Re:

ishaw":158hjfn6 said:
The colour and finish on the legs (the darker one) is very similar to my dynatech torus. Steerer is thick and wondered if it was alloy, but why bother annodising it to a ti colour?

Is there any way of testing/confirming, as aside from the magnet test to rule out steel, I've no idea.

Simple test on the steerer would be to give it a scratch, sand or drop of caustic soda to see if any anodising comes off. I have a few Ti steerers and they are all the thickness of a good quality steel steerer, certainly not as thick as alloy or the one you have.

The other thing that suggests the legs are not Ti is the fact that they stand proud of the dropout meaning they are fairly thick too. Can you drop the canti mount down and do the same scratch/sand/soda patch test while keeping it hidden when the mount is replaced?

Muddy Fox.
Single crown versions of the interactive forks, or modified double crown ones. There were some more (or same ones) on here a few years ago.

That's a great call, they do appear to share almost every aspect of the interactive double crown fork.

Strange thing is, the csu doesn't look modified, nor is it either of the crowns from the double crown fork.

Agree it is a muddy fox fork, but the crown? Shares so many similarities with the lower on the double, but it's not the same.....


Where did you get it from?
If the seller didn’t know what it was then it’s not the one that was on here, as it was narrowed down to a MF fork in that thread.
Probably came with the MF titanium frame.