China is a huge export market for us Danes and one day it'll all come back to bite us in the arse, Scandinavian comfort was largely achieved by piggybacking imperialist ventures anyway and when it comes to actual entrepreneurship and innovations we are about as useful as a fish in the Olympic 100m
- Personally think it can boil down to what is exported / imported. If it's say a luxury handbag to pamper to the needs of the growing Chinese middle class, I see no issue (despite it being later copied to hell domestically and sold off either domestically or even internationally).
Something of high technology (aeronautics, semi-conductor tooling, telecom, optics, etc. etc.) will need a bit more consideration rather than an immediate short term game (which we tend to favour to please share-holders). Things related to intellectual property and even education is worthy of being re-considered too. I'm generally very anti such things, but still think there is enough evidence to be prudent.