Titanium bottle cages

Hmm. Something of a logical fallacy there. More people is not the only possible outcome. What about rewilding, forestry, preservation of natural areas for tourism, carbon sequestration etc etc?

They are nice bottle cages. Unethical though. Cheap to you and me except that we'll all be paying their true cost in the long run.

Perhaps. What I don't like is how you said "You need to..."

Perhaps you should start boycotting all the bicycle parts that are designed and manufactured by meateaters?
Because by buying all this stuff, aren't you enabling them?
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Perhaps. What I don't like is how you said "You need to..."

Perhaps you should start boycotting all the bicycle parts that are designed and manufactured by meateaters?
Because by buying all this stuff, aren't you enabling them?
Spot on. Animal welfare considerations do indeed come into almost all of my purchasing decisions.
I bought the infamous Chinese jobby to pair with a Silca as I couldn’t afford another. It’s very nice quality but I couldn’t say if any better than a King Cage.
The Chinese one actually appears to be just as well made, but possibly isn’t...

Durability is definitely an important characteristic that I take into account when purchasing something. It's mind boggling going to the tip and seeing things which only had about a 3 to 5 years in service life. Would be interesting to know the warranty period, and if they state anything about end of life treatment.

I've posted this elsewhere, at the time I was completely stunned that Europe did not possess a titanium recycling facility prior; relatively recent from about 2018. https://www.eib.org/en/stories/titanium-recycling
Durability is definitely an important characteristic that I take into account when purchasing something. It's mind boggling going to the tip and seeing things which only had about a 3 to 5 years in service life. Would be interesting to know the warranty period, and if they state anything about end of life treatment.

I've posted this elsewhere, at the time I was completely stunned that Europe did not possess a titanium recycling facility prior; relatively recent from about 2018. https://www.eib.org/en/stories/titanium-recycling
Is that not because titanium recycling was a crazy expensive and very complex until around 2010 when VAM became the preferred method. it is still crazy expensive and very selective on what can be recycled thanks to oxide contaminated feed stocks (shit titanium is a thing, who knew). there isn't really a scalable process for decontamination which makes life pretty hard too.

having said all that, it's also a bitch to refine in general from ore, very very energy intensive and pretty shit for the environment, so year, maybe better with carbon fibre....... bugger..... aluminium........ are bollocks. BAMBOO is the future, or maybe cheese.
Coppiced willow for the win…
a propitiatory Woven Interlaced Lattice Linked Open Weave (WILLOW) frame of carbon based organic fiber interlaced with reinforced sheath Brown Alternate Reinforce Kliction (BARK) for impact protection. up to *30% stronger than other simliar materials and *70% more flexible at specific points to ensure amazing compliance under load.

*based on studies of 3 other trees.

where do I sign?