Wanted Thumbshifter with 7 speed index and friction

That is indeed a letdown. I was expecting to meet you on the west coast of Denmark for the handover, I'd bring porter.
now you are tempting me ahaha love a good porter...

i ve sailed a lazer before and managed to get a narrow boat stuck on a sandbar in the middle of the thames before which i also managed to do at aboout 9 o clock on a summers evening on a saturday night infront of about 6 bar/pub beer gardens and had to get out and push

i would bring whiskey but would likely get lost somewhere over doggerland and have to call the coastgaurd or worse
9 quid one is fine. How much for the shifters?
we only have 1 you'll have to ask other guy/user about the other one, might be able to find another 1 or other guy could send his one here and then we could send both to keep postage cost down as seen as all the anti social lot voted us out of the EU ahaha
we only have 1 you'll have to ask other guy/user about the other one, might be able to find another 1 or other guy could send his one here and then we could send both to keep postage cost down as seen as all the anti social lot voted us out of the EU ahaha
My brain didn't compute there were another guy offering, haha. Anyhow. 5 sounds fair but 9 quid shipping seems a bit silly for an item for a fiver. So do you have any other bits I could buy? Any friction only thumbshifters?