Yep, very easy for the police to seize if they wanted to. Currently have 500+ seized bikes at my work being stripped/destroyed. All of them have throttle control of some sort.It appears to have a throttle so in the eyes of the law it is a motorbike.
That looks very much like it might belong to a guy I know!! He get literally everywhere on it!!It appears to have a throttle so in the eyes of the law it is a motorbike.
That looks very much like it might belong to a guy I know!! He get literally everywhere on it!!
He has similar bikes for his two daughters, who are very often with him!!
I suppose,(in the eyes of the law), it IS INDEED,a "mechanically propelled vehicle; and,as such, would require a licence,insurance, MoT and payment of road tax/vehicle excise duty, to be valid on it; but, policing all that would be a nightmare!!!