Thomson, middleburn, XTR, Pace, syncros

XTR front and rear mech

Can I be a tight fisted grumpy old giffer and ask for a discounted deal on both the front and rear XTR mechs if still available....? I've got to watch my budget these days. Thanks. Gaz. - provisional take please.
Re: middleburns rs2

bikesmartin1972":3fqvw57q said:
hi am interested in middleburn cranks,do you still have them?

Yes still have them, all spacers and bolts are included although not pictured
Re: XTR front and rear mech

gazman":3hwihw78 said:
Can I be a tight fisted grumpy old giffer and ask for a discounted deal on both the front and rear XTR mechs if still available....? I've got to watch my budget these days. Thanks. Gaz. - provisional take please.

Hows £40 the pair sound?
assuming bikesmartin1972 doesn't go for the M'burn cranks.... I will.

Just drop me a line if they are available with payment and postage uk..

Thanks Luke