The same as all suspension forks?? No??Kona Tracks 2s, with the excellent feature of sliding fork blades to tackle bumps on the trail.
Yes, that … I think I know the coating you mean - dark with a blue hue - immediate corrosion on exposure to a ride…M7 bolts ??? Why oh why M7 bolts especially ones made of cheese which rounded or that had a very special coating that made them look like they had been submerged in salt water for 400 years after the slightest damp ride.
But they sound amaaaaaaaaazingRe Tioga disc drive - I never understood the appeal or function of them, nor the muddy fox plastic wheel cover. Riding on the top of the South Downs there was constant side wind even on a seemingly static summer day, and when a hooley was on, you had to lean at 45 degrees to make progress in a straight line, and I once experienced moving a metre sideways whilst doing the most modest of bunny hops. Now, imagine what all that would be like if you made your rear wheel into a sail…..