Thetford meet 13th Feb aftermath

Another really enjoyable retrobike meet - great to meet some new faces as well as catching up with the usual suspects of the East Anglian retrobike Massive.

Regreting scoffing that pizza now after seeing Rekiborter pics.... and least the ballast keep those tyres dug in!!

Didn't take many pics this time :oops: .... the one's I did must have been taken at the same time.



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i got home just after 8.00pm bloody 4hrs for a 1.15hr train journey arrrhhhhhh got to bury and the train broke down as it got there when we finally got to norwich i had to get a coach home arrhhhhhhh

that aside today has been the best every thetford retrobike meet and im glad we seem to be getting more people turn out a big thank you to everyone that came and a special thanks to curly for saving me 2hrs traveling to get there thank you mate your a star :cool: :cool: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
jango":3oo76z81 said:
p.s. anyone got some rc30 legs going spare?

What's happened to them? see, you should have stuck with the Funk....indestructable that thing :LOL:

rc30's are rigid, rc35 = springy..... told you before kev, suspension's for girls! plus didn't like the way they were bottoming out today, scared me a bit...... rigid is the way forward....
dragged my bum out of bed at 6am this morning to get to the ride for 1030am, crappy nights sleep as i'd just come off nights previousley, jumped in the preloaded car from the night before, couldn't decide which bike to bring so i took the E3 and the newly finished Elite, 2 bikes for good measure!! :LOL:

got into the carpark and immediatley started spotting fellow retrobikers, awsome :D

was told that pics and interview was overthere by those trees etc, i freely admit i love all that silliness so was over there poncing my Elite, everybody seemed to like it so i chose to ride that first after having my pic taken, this time next month i could be celeb! :LOL:

great ride as expected, just the right amount of speed/stopping/socialising etc :cool:

then there was cake for lunch :Dthen i won the "bike of the ride" :D quite unexpected, i like the Elite but was suprised it got 6 votes as the winner :cool:

then a bike swap for me, brought 2 so might aswel get them both dirty!! :D

then came the drive home, redbull, jake and elwood got me home!! :D

thanks to chris, dan and mark, quality ride, turn out and effort that we have come to expect :D :cool:

here's some pics from the day :D


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couple more pics!! :D


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Well, I have to say thanks to everyone for waiting for me :oops:
I really enjoyed it and you guys are so friendly, it was like meeting up with old friends not new ones.
Hopefully the next one I go to, I won't be as unfit and won't hold you up so much. ;)
Great meet again Retrobikers. The bikes were the real stars out in the woods at Thetford today; the retro stuff bringing smiles to the faces of all the riders we met. :D

No video this time - I seem to have turned my camera off at the power switch which means it didn't save the video. :(
I'd just like to say thanks for letting me tag along your ride this morning i really enjoyed it and it was great meeting you guy's and I loved those bikes :cool:

hope to ride with you all again
