No problems with camping re the gravel brigade , plenty of room so no need to book , we do need good numbers of drunken mtb ers though to show up the girly lycra brigade .
BBQ Fri night followed by a visit to the Blackout dispensary and then likely back to camping/bullshit area for tales of daring deeds whilst downing Skinnigrove moonshine .
Steady rise on Saturday to prepare for and epic Sat afternoon ride (see if we can get 4 pubs in rather than last years lowly 3 ).
BBQ Sat night with more Blackout , tales of daring deeds and moonshine
Sunday is the main ride , good steady and scenic with a mixture of a couple of very quite country lanes, some cracking double and singletrack , Lunch at the Lion on Blakey Ridge (worth coming just for that ) then one of the longest and most fun double track descents for miles around (lasts about 1/2 hour with no punctures ) and finally a small climb back to camp/pub.
For those of you using the "my retrobike's in bits again" get out clause , bring a bike , retro or not and get out into some stunning scenery for some fun riding and good banter and booze . (teetotallers are welcome too but you have to bring your own non alcoholic moonshine ).
See you all next weekend .