The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

Gives it that Pin Hole camera look 😍
I applied a slight vignette in light room!
But the glowing IR like whites are from the red sensitive film combined with a deep yellow filter.
I was very pleased as the Diafine developer doesn’t blow highlights which this rollei film is easily capable of doing
Climbed up a tree to take this photo.


And found this snail hangin' out up on the same tree
lovely sunset and light!
have you considered cropping it?

I don't like to mess around with the shots I take, I compose them before I take them. Being digital though means I have lots of variations of the same shot, also spanning through the whole sunset until dark :)
I don't like to mess around with the shots I take, I compose them before I take them. Being digital though means I have lots of variations of the same shot, also spanning through the whole sunset until dark :)
nice one!
I too rarely crop until it really warrants it or i took the picture with intent to crop say into a panoramic or something