The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

How do you scan your film shots ? And what’s your favourite film ?

I haven't scanned any of my film shots onto computer as of yet, I wouldn't mind, wouldn't know where to start really, unless it is as simple as just getting a scanner and running them over it. Would take quite a long time though to get them all on.

Favourite film? will have to go through my notes, it is on the tip of my tounge but been so long now I cant remember tbh. I remember having a favourite for landscape, and one for general use. When I stopped using film I was just getting into b&w photography, was finding it really hard though.
I had serious vertigo going up a mountain in Sicily. And Jesus it was windy. Trying to climb up a very gravely path with the loudest noise ever in your ears. Result was worth it. Brilliant view, I can post pics if you want
Yes please. Post them. Once i had to guide down a person from the flatlands who discovered he is suffering from extreme vertigo when he was already at a very exposed place. Perhaps it was the first moment he looked down..