The Unbuilt


- GT LTS-1 thinking of selling and then re thinking about a lightweight build for it
- Dmr sidekick it old and a bit unloved but I cannot part with it
- Delta sportive road frame slow build as finding a groupo and wheels for reasonable money isn’t happening right now

The other bikes are all built but need some form of light tinkering, but then don’t they all? Haha
Two in the queue; RTS and an M700

Truth is I’ve realised I’m not going to build either, so should move them on - but they look cool on the garage wall, and I can’t be arsed until I find something truly special.
Unbuilt you say?

Orange Clockwork x2
Orange E2
Orange E4
'96 Zaskar
'01 Zaskar
Nishiki Alien
Bigfoot Smokestone
Kona Muni Mula
'98 FSR Extreme
'98 FSR Comp

Until I extend the garage they'll stay in bits, safer that way for now. When the garage is done I'll have somewhere nice to work on them and display/store them.
Too many. I don't like to count.
88 Nishiki Expedition
93 or 4 Hardrock
94 Norco Rampage

I guess that's not so bad. Good thing we're not tallying the one I left @Ingola last month, and the old Raleigh for Lil Thundrrr isn't really mine, exactly, and the GT is hers too, so that one doesn't count either...
Counting, no. Justification, yes
Unbuilt or unfinished I have way to many I don't have nishiki but I do have
A couple of konas
Lots of Raleighs
Norco (few models)
Three or 4 CCMs
Other various stuff and now this Screenshot_20231011-154300.webp
I’m not doing too bad at the moment!

A ‘92 Zaskar needing a polish and decals, plus some bits before building can commence
A ‘98/‘99 Giant MCM Team needing a bunch of parts

and a ‘97 ATX 990D which is currently “mocked-up” i.e. built so can see if it all works before I deep clean it and build it properly. Still work to do.

But now I’m itching to get something else in the pipeline…