The price issue - again....

I'm very much like Peachy when on the rare occasion I do sell something it tends to be for less than I paid for it or have in it, but when I am looking for parts I am now seeing (on certain sites ) prices what I feel are well over the odds

I've been on the scene since around 97 and at the moment I am training myself to stop that voice in my head that tells me I could have bought those £275 mk1 RC30 forks for £50 in the early to mid 2000's (and being incredibly angry with myself for not doing so) . That I could have bought a NOS pair of Mavic sunset rims for £60 . I could go on but I won't

I do support the adage of something being worth what someone is prepared to pay for it . I do feel however that at the moment prices are (in certain places) really high and that there are a few "for profit" sellers capitalising on the fact that the pandemic has seen retro bikers seek solace in their bike caves / garages /sheds who are seeking much needed parts to complete a build or get their retro bike back in action. I agree with members encouraging those posting sales threads to ensure the price an item is sold for is inputted onto the sales thread once sold

I don't know whether it's me but I'm also seeing threads predominately on FB where there's people who are posting pics of amazing parts collections, but only to showcase what they have as when enquiries are made none of the items are for sale (apparently)

Out of everywhere I do seek to buy parts , here on retrobike the prices are definitely the fairest. On the bay and FB I've seen prices where I definitely thought the seller had added a zero by accident (the sale of an RC100 from a vendor in Europe springs to mind), but there is that adage again and the moment it appears that there are those willing to pay the prices being asked
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