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Set of curve cantis?

Need a clean up and not perfect

I have decided to sell my much loved bike, not used it for a long time so its a waste it sat there doing nothing,

Its a early 90 model with the over sized head set with a one piece handlebar/stem that looks great, its all oversized tubing with nice big wields. and the bottom triangle is square

Its just a frame basically at the mo, it has old shimano shifters and brakes etc which work fine but could poss do with being replaced if you wanted to modernize it so to speak.

It is colour green white and pink with each colour fading into the next.

any ideas on price will get pic asap
dirtydozen":5l3gf46l said:
I have decided to sell my much loved bike, not used it for a long time so its a waste it sat there doing nothing,

Its a early 90 model with the over sized head set with a one piece handlebar/stem that looks great, its all oversized tubing with nice big wields. and the bottom triangle is square

Its just a frame basically at the mo, it has old shimano shifters and brakes etc which work fine but could poss do with being replaced if you wanted to modernize it so to speak.

It is colour green white and pink with each colour fading into the next.

any ideas on price will get pic asap

I could well be interested in a pic of that ;)
dirtydozen":2evb1a26 said:
I have decided to sell my much loved bike, not used it for a long time so its a waste it sat there doing nothing,

Its a early 90 model with the over sized head set with a one piece handlebar/stem that looks great, its all oversized tubing with nice big wields. and the bottom triangle is square

Its just a frame basically at the mo, it has old shimano shifters and brakes etc which work fine but could poss do with being replaced if you wanted to modernize it so to speak.

It is colour green white and pink with each colour fading into the next.

any ideas on price will get pic asap
Sounds like a Klein to me, are the cables routed inside the tubes by chance? If it is a Klein your in the money, but pics are a must in putting a value to this.
I dont know too much about kleins, but the colour you describe is one of the more saught after variations, and traditionally they do sell for bizzarely large amounts. I suspect you have already been hit with half a dozen offers.
dirtydozen":2gr5zkk4 said:
I have decided to sell my much loved bike, not used it for a long time so its a waste it sat there doing nothing,

Its a early 90 model with the over sized head set with a one piece handlebar/stem that looks great, its all oversized tubing with nice big wields. and the bottom triangle is square

Its just a frame basically at the mo, it has old shimano shifters and brakes etc which work fine but could poss do with being replaced if you wanted to modernize it so to speak.

It is colour green white and pink with each colour fading into the next.

any ideas on price will get pic asap
price depends very much on condition and size. so please provide us some good pics and we will help you.
cant get through to my mums for a pic till monday night, condtion is spot on apart from few stone chips, size im not sure, im 6.1 and is cool for me
Lovvve the curve cantis .. no idea how much ... Oh by the way GET EM CLEANED ! ... call yourself a retrobiker .. shame on you . :shock: :wink: :!:
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