torus xt
Should have posted here 1st very sorry
Hi there I know its not always polite to start your 1st post (now 3rd!!)with a sale. I am nomally on another forum
I am looking to find out what the value would be in selling my torus xt mountian bike ....probably frame only but other parts if interested. its all origianl parts ....apart from the forks and handle bars! I have had this since my teens and was the 1st bike I ever bought myself...weekly at 6pm into bike shop and hand over cash until she was mine.
Dont realy want to sell but found this site and think she would get more loving from someone here, as Im more into aero things now and am looking to get a power meter hence the sale.
Ill try and take photos later and uplad but just interested to see if anyone interested and what roughly I would get for her.
PM if interested
Should have posted here 1st very sorry

Hi there I know its not always polite to start your 1st post (now 3rd!!)with a sale. I am nomally on another forum
I am looking to find out what the value would be in selling my torus xt mountian bike ....probably frame only but other parts if interested. its all origianl parts ....apart from the forks and handle bars! I have had this since my teens and was the 1st bike I ever bought myself...weekly at 6pm into bike shop and hand over cash until she was mine.
Dont realy want to sell but found this site and think she would get more loving from someone here, as Im more into aero things now and am looking to get a power meter hence the sale.
Ill try and take photos later and uplad but just interested to see if anyone interested and what roughly I would get for her.
PM if interested