Never had much success with getting any idea of price from this thread
I have to confess, like many others I suspect I only visit it when looking for a price so very rarely am I of use actually pricing anything that pops up on here, so i'm as much to blame as many.
But even then unless you make an effort to visit it daily and offer advice, items soon get burried and lost in the depths of the thread. not quite next to useless, but in the same ballpark.
This post like many before it will soon be lost in the depths and the thread will wond on blindly leading into the future as it has done since conception.

But even then unless you make an effort to visit it daily and offer advice, items soon get burried and lost in the depths of the thread. not quite next to useless, but in the same ballpark.
This post like many before it will soon be lost in the depths and the thread will wond on blindly leading into the future as it has done since conception.