The *NOT BORING!* Hi-Fi faff chat and sales

legrandefromage":gsm0p3sd said:
Ok, now, <sips tea> my Mission 753 always ate most mid range amps for breakfast - '25 to 150w' amplifiers recommended. These were a big seller in their day and for good reason, if you are into electronic music, they are perfect. Now ramblings aside, there was a magazine article many moons ago that found the original 753 worked better with amplifiers of 150 to 300 watts...

The Aura that I have is around 90w (from memory) and takes my Missions, puts them over its knee and spanks them.

So in short,m it wasnt hype, I'd have this over an Audiolab 8000A any day etc etc...

Mmm, the Audiolab. I auditioned one donkeys ago when looking to replace my lightly modded A60. I came away from the dealer with my A60 under my arm and my credit card intact quite underwhelmed.

I guess I may be biased from looking at pics of the inside of the Aura and finding it looking very ordinary indeed - but that's just the geek in me and an ordinary looking naked pic doesn't necessarily have a bearing on sound quality.

TBH, I will probably not change my Arcam 9 for anything 'integrated' as all integrated amplifiers are compromised. If I ever get the time, I'll probably build a couple of class A monoblocks and pop one at the foot of each speaker. I don't have need for preamplification other than my home brewed RIAA stage, which sits next to my deck.

I've been looking for an 'active speaker' conversion project, but will probably shelve that now I seem to have settled on these Celestion 44s. I just can't see me improving them, so lovely is the midband.
apache":36bvuqkq said:
Man, you're obsessed! :lol:

The important thing, how do they sound?

The wife just looked with open eyes :lol:

Can't beat electrostatic headphones. They are ear speakers. A big sound with out being bright.
Space and air between the performers is excellent. As for the volume levels well goes plenty high enough for me. My bass hungry ears love them. I may experiment with the pre-amp. But the 208 is top notch pre-amp.
Hey folks - any Active Monitors knocking around?

Looking for 6" or 8" Flat response around 250 budget (less is more!)

Help me price a cable (interconnects)

I've made some interconnects to sell on a trial basis on ebay etc. There are 2 others who sell very similar stuff (thin silver coated coax-multistrand) ie NVA sound cords £30 per 1m and Rothwell £49 per 1 i've tried a few cables from NVA and many many others inc silver and silver coax used for anologue music or digitol in pairs. The stuff i've got sounds a bit more open than the NVA without being harsh with voices. Very controlled and plucky, that's the silver.

Would you say it was fair to ask for £20 posted for a 2 foot pair. the cable is orange. I think a metre is too long for most and 0.5 too short, so as i'm getting this stuff by the foot....i'm doing 2 foot lengths.........

Happy to do a full 14 day refund if any one wants to try them here at £10.00 posted as a consumer text only 2-3 pairs though.

They will have the correct size plugs for the size of cable (not these mock up ones)

Military spec silver plated oxygen free copper wire with teflon insulation, very low capacitance. 19 silver plated strands in the centre, tight silver plated outer braid.
On the basis that orange cable sounds best, you could probably charge more. :wink:

Don't forget to put in the tech stuff like how much capacitance per foot etc. Enthusiasts love to quote that stuff down the pub, even if they don't understand the implications. Don't mention characteristic impedance or impedance matching though, cos it'll be messed up - coax into RCA. Shouldn't matter for audio, but can matter if used as a digi- interconnect, all those nasty reflections
Gonna offer up 3 sets at £15 posted so as to get some feedback on them :D my eye on some other cables to try out too, inc 'space station cable ' :wink: 2 sets 2' and one set is 1 foot at £10.00