The most expensive bike on the whole of ebay!

yes, I agree that it is very pricey.

but if you had the chance to ride it you certainly would wouldn't you?
As you can tell by my post I'd love to ride it, and I'd even offer 2 years of free servicing to any owner of such a fine specimen of Lego Duplo.

With my state of the art bicycle workshop I am happy to undertake servicing of this bike at any hour of the day, as it'd be MY PLEASURE

This I would break my back for to be able to ride once

As mentionned already, this bike has been listed on Ebay previously; I think I can recall it being offered for over £100k a number of years ago.
Whatever you think of the bike, it is a very rare thing with a very small potential audience. It will be of interest for someone who understands the historical importance of the Colnago C35; with that, you have the whole historical connection to Ferrari. The buyer of this bike would likely want this to add to their collection of similar bikes. In more modern times, this woud be along the lines of the CF series, which began with the CF1 back in 2000.
The Colnago C35 is a very significant piece of carbon racing bicycle history. I am not 100% sure on this, but I think the C35 was probably one of the first ever carbon frames ever produced. I recall seeing them for sale in the early 1990s for £2,500, which, when adjusting for inflation, would be around £5k today. They were used by a number of elite racing teams; most notably the Italian Olympic squad at the time for TT races.
The components are very 'marmite'. Gold pating in my view doesn't really work; on paper sounds great but in the metal so to speak it doesn't really work. It is a bit like Rolex watches that are covered in diamonds; they go for huge money, but look so over the top and tacky they just look fake.
However each to their own, but as said before, the fact that it has been for sale for what seems like forever, it doesn't seem to be attracting much genuine buyer interest.

In terms of riding quality, my brother has a Colnago CF1, which would be the modern equivalent to the C35. I find it very 'wooden' and heavy; certainly less lively than my 1998 Trek OCLV, and really sluggish compared to my Corima Fox TT bike, which could be considered to be a modern classic aero bike.
As mentionned already, this bike has been listed on Ebay previously; I think I can recall it being offered for over £100k a number of years ago.
Whatever you think of the bike, it is a very rare thing with a very small potential audience. It will be of interest for someone who understands the historical importance of the Colnago C35; with that, you have the whole historical connection to Ferrari. The buyer of this bike would likely want this to add to their collection of similar bikes. In more modern times, this woud be along the lines of the CF series, which began with the CF1 back in 2000.
The Colnago C35 is a very significant piece of carbon racing bicycle history. I am not 100% sure on this, but I think the C35 was probably one of the first ever carbon frames ever produced. I recall seeing them for sale in the early 1990s for £2,500, which, when adjsting for inflation, would be around £5k today. They were used by a number of elite racing teams; most notably the Italian Olympic squad at the time for TT races.
The components are very 'marmite'. Gold pating in my view doesn't really work; on paper sounds great but in the metal so to speak it doesn't really work. It is a bit like Rolex watches that are covered in diamonds; they go for huge money, but look so over the top and tacky they just look fake.
However each to their own, but as said before, the fact that it has been for sale for what seems like forever, it deson't seem to be attracting much genuine buyer interest.

In terms of riding quality, my brother has a Colnago CF1, which would be the modern equivalent to the C35. I find it very 'wooden' and heavy; certainly less lively than my 1998 Trek OCLV, and really sluggish compared to my Corima Fox TT bike, which could be considered to be a modern classic aero bike.
Reckon it'd sell fast on the streets of Detroit for a pack of fags and a burrito
Though I think we all agree if we ever had enough money to buy such a thing, it would have to go under some moderations.

Personally I like the fact the colnago is melting. It makes it look more organic