The Introduce Yourself Here Thread III

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Hi from Karym6

Hi there,

I have a 10 year old Claude Butler which has been described to me as being the Nova of the MTB world at various points in its life.

I think the only reason it survived for so long is down to me having to take a break from riding due to a dislocated knee and ankle combo..
Hi - found your forum recently - I raced mountain bikes in the good old days of the early/mid nineties - first a Trek 8000, then a Kona Kilauea (what a bike!) then a custom-made Roberts, which Chas made for me, he based it partly on the White Spider and partly on the Dogz Bollx (or however it was spelt) as the latter was slightly more comfortable in the rear.

I've just dragged the Roberts out of the shed and find it has original everything except grips - original tyres, shifters, the lot - I'll post a pic on Reders' Bikes.
recently found this site, im usually over on MTBR's vintage forum but this site is WAY nicer, not to mention more laid back.

Im 31, from the U.S., starting racing in 1989. In the early 90's i gained a partial sponsorship from Scott USA and a full ride from Brancali. I raced through 1995 and then fell off the scene, but I never stopped riding!

glad to be here

Wow, what a great site.
Used to race back in early and then late 90's on a Cannondale M400, Stumpjumper, various Marin's and a Klein Adroit. On the look out for a retro bike to get back in shape, just off to the wanted section to put an ad up now :D

My name is Gareth and I am 27 years old, very out of shape and nostalgic about all I have just read!

Ok so I don't have a bike anymore but I was an avid mtb fan in the 1990's, in fact I bought every issue of the mountain bike mags from september 1994 till about jan 2000.

I remember when Gary Fisher claimed to have invented the MTB, when Nike PooBahs were the trend, when V-Brakes were new. When Jez Avery was the trick master, when Pro Flex brought out the 858 and then the 959!

I owned the following bikes and regret selling them now!

1995 Grisley Mega 10 (crap bike)
1996 Kona Cinder Cone
1998 GT LTS 2000
1999 Kona Stinky Dee Lux (Frame Only)
2006 Kona Stinky Dee Lux
2007 Kona Stuff

I was in the market for a Marin B-17 but after finding this website/forum I might try and build up a 96 spec Cinder Cone!

Hi I only found this site today. I found my old bike (see Kona Cinder Cone thread) in the garage and intended going on the internet to see how much I could get for it on ebay! I now realise that after 15 years out of the sport, things could get really interesting again.

I started out by buying a Dawes mountain bike back in 1989. I spent many brilliant summer days, and muddy winter ones, with my friends. We entered regional events which were more cyclo-cross than fullon mountain bike ones,we even won a few, nut it was more about the getting muudy up to the eye balls every Sunday with like minded people that made it. The sport made me some great friends and it didn't matter about background ability or what you rode, it was all about just being out in the country side, forgetting everything else!

I left the sport when I went to University, after that I went abroad running bars and found a new drug, snowboarding. Unfortunately, there are no big mountains in the UK.

Life revolved around work and work until just recently, a change in career and lifestyle saw me having time to tidy out the garage today...........
I've just found this site through Bike Radar and think it's pretty cool.

I used to ride alot in my younger days, had an Orange Prestige back then, but just getting back into it again, more for the fitness side than racing etc.

Currently riding a 1999 Gary Fisher Procaliber.

Dave :)
Hello all!
I'm in Canberra, Australia and i have been lurking for quite a while.

I found your site when I was supposed to be on a weekend of serious training :) Instead of two long rides, we spent 24 hours in two days looking for old mountainbikes on the net. It was a type of endurance that I never thought I had!

So now I have some old bikes that I really love.

I dont want to blow sunshine, but I think the level of knowledge and attention to detail on this site is about the best I've seen. March BOTM blew my mind.

I recently bought a bunch of old MBUK mags and will scan and post bits and pieces if I have anything that I cant find in that section. Theyre from 91, 92 and 93. If anyone wants something quickly, let me know and I can see if I have it.

Tailwinds to you all
Hi everyone,

just joined, I must agree with previous posts, it is a cool forum!

I started mountain biking in the late eighties on a Raleigh Mustang!, and had all kinds of bikes since, but my heart never let me sell first proper mountain bike which was a Alpinestars Cro Mega DX which I have started renovated since I realised that it was starting to look a little rough around the edges - a bit like me! Which is exactly why I have returned to the sport, which I must say has got a lot more high tech!, which makes me feel even older!

Thats me saying hello! :D
'lo everyone :)

I've just recently got my old MTB out of storage - a 1995 GT Zaskar LE - and now I'm fixing it up to get back on the trails.

Is that retro enough? Can I stay?
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