The Introduce Yourself Here Thread III

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The Guv’nor
Retrobike Rider
If you're new to the site and would like to introduce yourself do so here :cool:

Always interested to hear how people found the site also :D
Oh I'll give this a go.....

Used to go MTB-ing with Velomaniac BITD.

Moved to Wales nearly three years ago, but injury and being very busy / knackered / lazy has kept me off the bike.

Speaking of which it's a 1995 Cannondale M400, bought in a US Army store on a base in Germany by a friend.

Bought off him when he fell on hard times after leaving the Army.

Upgrades on it are a Manitou Mach V sx forks, (which need a service / new elastomers or something) and LX V brakes from about 1999.

Have also alternated spds / flat pedals ever so often.

Cheers M.
Well, I found the site recently when searching for information about my Orange C16R.
Don't actually ride as much as I used to a few years back (took up Golf this year on turning 40 :? ), but intending to get back into it.
Currently doing up the C16 and my other ride is a 1999 Marin East Peak which might get the treatment once I've finished the Orange.

Great site, I'm not much of a poster on Forums, but enjoy looking in now and again.

This is my first post here.
I've loved cycling for years, although I'm more of a touring/rough stuff cyclist than an out and out mountain biker. I've toured extensively across the UK, and next year have a big trip planned through France.
I've just bent my beloved Puegeot Alpine mongrel singlespeed, which was my first proper bike, so am doing all of my riding on my Dawes Galaxy, which copes admirably but I'm getting sick of having to remove the front wheel to scrape out enough mud to carry on.
Anyway, I look forward to meeting you.
This is my first post here.
I've loved cycling for years, although I'm more of a touring/rough stuff cyclist than an out and out mountain biker. I've toured extensively across the UK, and next year have a big trip planned through France.
I've just bent my beloved Puegeot Alpine mongrel singlespeed, which was my first proper bike, so am doing all of my riding on my Dawes Galaxy, which copes admirably but I'm getting sick of having to remove the front wheel to scrape out enough mud to carry on.
Anyway, I look forward to meeting you.
Found this site while looking for parts for my orange c16-r, bought my first bike in 1992 carera B17, but my mate had a clockwork with full sts-rc groupset, I really wanted a bike like that, It cost him about £650, I bought a c16-r frame of a bloke at work who was upgrading & built it with LX parts, then bought a zaskar frame to build up, sold the orange, sold the zaskar & bought a cannondale F700 that I still have. But I have now managed to buy my orange back, pick it up on saturday & I understand it is the same spec as when I sold it, but now has flat tyres.
Hey everyone, I'd firstly like to say what a great site and forum - it's a wonderful resource for all things retro,

I'm Rowdy and have been riding for a fair few years now. In my time I've had quite a few bikes and bits (from a Raleigh activator up to a Merlin and back) but right now my stable is relatively small. I've currently got:

An On-One Inbred (The Reynolds 853 original) currently set up as a commuter with semi-slicks.

A Carleton Kermesse road bike (1973) for rapid pace!

A Rock Lobster from circa 97 kitted out with full 8 speed XT.

Not particularly retro I know but I'm looking out for a couple of bikes/bits that I've always yearned for. If I see a pre-Trek Lemond or an Eddy Merckx I may well be tempted, also I've always fancied some titanium exotica (erotica?) in singlespeed or fixed gear form.

As for bits, I'm always on the look out for Magic Motorcycle cranks - the best cranks in the history of cycling.

Maybe they're just pipedreams but ebay is soooooooo tempting.

Anyways - that's me!

I'm Mark

I've been retrobiking for more years than I realized. I kept it from my family which, I think, hurt the most. My boss was understanding but the Judge said in his statement: ''what an effin' loser! Geddaaat my court you f***wit!''

I'm down to 4 bikes now. The tablets helped but I can still sometimes be found in my garage, just standing there, looking, drooling slightly as I look at bikes - hours pass... cups of tea left undrunk.

The worst of it is, and this is very hard for me, the fetish. NOS parts found in my bed caused my wife to leave me. Bathing in degreaser, cleaning M900 deraliers left me with shiney ball burneshed skin. I no longer feel human.

I've just got the Shimano tattoo redone after years of Autosol took its toll.
The cats, 'Xizang' and 'Zaskar' are my only friends.

salvation was this forum....
G'day Rowdy Burns [Days of Thunder??], and everyone else on this thread! Welcome to the site :cool:

If yer after some Ebay Action, check out the Auction Watchlink at the top of the page. Click on a link or free text search and Bingo! You're broke :LOL:
Also dont forget the wednesday night chat...just click chat up the top from about 8pm UK time frequently ends up a bit messy and low brow...but its usually fun... :shock:
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