The Final Mountain Mayhem Final Countdown 2017

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Looks like the big fella upstairs has gifted us some decent weather

....its getting warmer :D


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letmetalktomark":3tqyyc57 said:
For the MM virgins ...... You'll be introduced to Andy and his legendary Intruder ...... We've all been in the same position - you just need to grin and bare ( ;) ) it.

Regarding your closing line ... I think I escaped that one ! However I believe some NOS Pedro's wet lube helps....

Augustus":2vikd727 said:
If only...

Have fun and shout at someone through the Hecklermaphone for me chaps.

One my favourite Gus quotes uttered through the Hecklermaphone was "what's your GPS telling you?"


i have filled the intruder fridge and freezer with that much food i have no space for me beer stunned, i will have to use the spare fridge in the rear.

thanks andy
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elPedro666":2thiubhw said:

Well this sucks massive salty balls, but I've **** my knee and won't be able to ride. Spitting feathers as you might imagine after 51weeks looking forward to it and having two ace NW teams (plus some southerners) to play with :x

Anyway, I'll be making my own 24 solo attempt on a crate of strong ales instead so we've got two spaces on a mixed team - the far superior of the two NW teams - at least one of which would need to be female or at the very least, convincingly effeminate.

Anyone fancy joining the best team in the race? Our Support Crew is IMMENSE. Seriously.

Rather they were used than wasted but if you'd like to contribute the entry fee (I'm out of pocket for two entries and unable to work at the moment) that'd be a bonus!

Oh no! Sorry to hear that Pete! What a pita!

The best team in the race? ALTERNATIVE FACT! The truth is, that the Awesome Foursome is gonna make RetroBIKE great again. It's true, we have the best guys, yes we do! Come here Nick, here's a guy that has taken weight loss to extremes! One of the best, gonna see great things from that guy!
Mike, Splatter Paint, well he's been working so so hard to be THE BEST for this job. Twister, he's our secret weapon. In fact he's so secret, even I don't know what he's been up to. Other that setting up a private phone line to Deadly Nedly AND Frischi!
This is gonna be great my friends!

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