The effect of a growing Retro fan base..?


Senior Retro Guru
So with all the publicity at the moment we are all expecting an increase in Retro Bike interest. What effect will this have on the worlds supply of retro goodness. Two scenarios that I can see...

1. More demand for all the shiney bits on ebay driving up prices to crazy levels, even on the most modest of components. :(

2. New interest causing many garden sheds to be re-opened and new supplies of cnc goodness to appear, volumes of which are beyond everyones wildest dreams. :D

I'm guessing the equilibrium will be maintained between the 2 somehow, but it makes you wonder..?
Cant see the floodgates being opened TBH, maybe just a few people joining here and there.

I would guess most people have sold there old stuff off by now, and upgraded as they've gone along......
I would hazard a guess that MBUK's reader base would be a lot younger/modern nowadays, therefore a lot of there readers wouldn't be into or even heard of the retro scene.
Pickle":1m9iyzs7 said:
I would guess most people have sold there old stuff off by now, and upgraded as they've gone along......

There must be hundreds of qualtiy retro mtbs hiding away, unused for years, just waiting to be oiled up and riden into the sunset, or am I just a bit deluded? :? :D
OrangeRetro":5cerm9qd said:
Pickle":5cerm9qd said:
I would guess most people have sold there old stuff off by now, and upgraded as they've gone along......

There must be hundreds of qualtiy retro mtbs hiding away, unused for years, just waiting to be oiled up and riden into the sunset, or am I just a bit deluded? :? :D

Hmm, possibly.

I for one kept mine when I stopped properly riding for a while, but then I have heard of a few old team mates who have EvilBay'd their stuff. I would guess a few may come on the scene.

A real tear jerker story of one mate though, has just sold his early '90's Orange Clockwork with XT groupo and RC35's; £100 on the Bay! If only he had spoken to me first! :cry:
Pickle":2nzcnj4p said:
A real tear jerker story of one mate though, has just sold his early '90's Orange Clockwork with XT groupo and RC35's; £100 on the Bay! If only he had spoken to me first!

Ouch... :shock:
Seems like everyone here is only seeing things from a buyers perspective. Change could also mean that the value of all the boxes of old stuff you have stored goes up.
I don't see it happening though.... Small increase perhaps.
The number of site members grows month on month and will continue to do so - just see how many more UK members come online after this years Mayhem again!

The more members the better I say - so long as they bring something to the table, whether its knowledge, stories or shiny stuff. The only thing we don't need is bad attitude - this site is lucky to be a very harmonious forum. :D
MadCowKev":2hvs7xn3 said:
this site is lucky to be a very harmonious forum. :D

Just the way I like it :)

Be nice if we get a few folks just wanting to clear some old crap through fromt back o the garden shed :D