The dark funk of depression...

I've found the decent weather is a big help- it means that when ye feel a bit more up for a brisk ride, ye can go (insted of looking at it piss doon outside).......once I've managed a couple of decent rides, it kind of gets things kick started and ye can build on it.
Dyna-Ti is right too in that doing/seeing/learning summat new is very good- I remember in the real depths once, I pissed off up to London for the day for a walk round the national gallery, turned a horrible day into an enjoyable experience (especially the realisation, looking at Van Gogh's Sunflowers, that this wasn't a product of the deep dark trough, but the other exuberant end of his bipolar cycle)

Other than that, heavy drinking and regular self-abuse gets me through........ :p
thought of changing work? I'm guessing on many occasions. But is there anything that you can set your sights on with some retraining? I know depression is chemical, but it is influenced by what's going on in your life.

not very helpful. sorry. :roll:

come up to Derby and have a cuppa :D
Come up to Glasgow.i've a spare room.
Likely to be raining and you wont understand the lingo. :D

Go and have a look in the garage, that'll cheer you up, all those lovely bikes and whatnot. I've put one of my bikes in the back room of the house, I often go and stare at it, cheers me up no end!

Everyone gets a bit depressed from time to time, some more than others.

With me, it helps during the low times to recognise and accept that this happens, ride it out as best I can and just wait for it to pass. I don't bother trying to fight it.
It's good to talk and let stuff out, negative or not.

If you Ignore these bouts of depression you may end up like me, on a drip and loosing weight fast, after having your body completely shut down!

Then again, you may not.

Keep posting and keep smiling, ya big lug!! ;)

As Jo Burt once said 'Never lose faith in the colour of the sky'. It's a phrase that I've found myself saying to myself and other people when things aren't going to plan and a little positive perspective is needed. It's very easy to see what other people are doing in your job or on tv or in the paper and think less of yourself, but there's no point in dwelling on it - nobody is happy all the time!

Keep your chin up Monsieur Fromage, things will get better!!
I think everyone has a form of this, it is more pronounced in some people.

This is how my black dog manifests itself:

You know when you are up really high and you sometimes catch yourself thinking what if...

I do this with my life, I get pissed, usually at something totally controllable and irelevant (why did I sell those good 231CD's 4 years ago type thing) and start to wonder how easy it would be to **** my life up completely:

Leave wife, screw job, take £10k on the creditcard and road trip and drink 'till it's all gone.

I would love to say XYZ its all gone! The truth is life gets pretty shitty but I am a big beliver in lists, write down all the things that are less than satisfying in your life and wherever possible remove them or find ways to manage them.

You are doing one of the best things now by talking it out, bottling it up and pretending that will all go away is BS of the highest order. ;)