The cheeky ####s!

There was a thread about it a while back.

jonnyboy666":2ra93r1d said:


Online bicycle forum for middle age underachievers and jobless men, some of whom who used to cycle in their youth. Most 'retrobikers' spend considerable time attempting to to prove that they did once cycle by obsessing over ageing bicycles, and bicycle-related paraphernalia.

Retrobiking is an international movement which enables it to foster a keen understanding of what colour schemes old bikes were once painted, and also to voice learned opinions on what colour schemes it is possible and desirable to repaint such bicycles following the passage of time.


I've just found my old mountain bike in the loft, which I used to ride loads BITD! LOL - it's a bit rusty but could be worth loads now. As I've got lots of time on my hands, I thought I might buff it up. Any ideas how much it is worth?

Yes - it's worth about 4 quid, but if you paint it Aqua Fade Tango and buy a NOS grease guard for it, it will be a heroic retro bike. Welcome to Retrobike, retrobiker!

that made me laugh! :LOL: we've been rumbled!

So, who's gonna return fire and post one about the "forum that shall remain nameless"? :twisted:

*EDIT* - I really should add a few dozen more emoticons to this post, now that I think about it.
A bunch of old geezers on cool old bicycles from the 80's & 90's
A 1993 GT zaskar is an excellent retrobike

Not necessarily. I have a 1994 gt zaskar and im 21. Been a member here for 5 years ;)