The Cannock Turkey Twizzler ~ AFTERMATH


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Despite the dire warnings of an apocalyptic storm, it was actually quite pleasant at Cannock Chase today. The sun was shining for most of the day, which is always great for splashing through big puddles.
It was a bit windy and a bit chilly, but it is winter...

17 riders in total took on the Monkey Trail almost all on another great selection of proper old bikes.
Thanks to everyone for coming along and making it another great Retro bike ride.

More to follow. Post up your pictures and recollections here...
Absolute belter, with sun warming us through the trees and a goodly supply of mince pies at the finish - what more could you want?! :D More thread in my seat lug perhaps but it made it to the end.

Usual lovely bunch of RetroBikers and quality metalwork on display ... slowly being ground away but let's not dwell on that!

Only complaint would have to be the thieving scumbag who half-inched my helmet at the end - I think he was bitter at finishing second overall :p

Great day out and another hugely successful Twizzler to add to the tally - hope you all enjoy new year!
So gutted I could not join you today as I had to work!

I had the Hans Rey tribute all ready to rock n roll , can't wait to see the pictures !
Sorry I had to pedal off half way round the monkey,but I had to collect my son about 2 , good day though , and you didn't really notice the wind apart from the tree :D
Really enjoyed today well worth the trip down

The Orange Prestige was out on its 3rd ride out and once the front brake has been set up better :oops: it'll make a perfect addition to my fleet for mountain mayhem next year ;)

Good to see everyone out, have a good new year, and see you on the next one

How's the knee Andy? That was a lucky dismount
Grand day out at the Chase once again for the twizzler. Fairly tame day weather wise which was nice given the forecast apocolypse.

Trails rode well as ever which a couple of nice new sections pit in.

Good to catch up with old and new.
monsterfatuk":jwq0g9v0 said:
Sorry I had to pedal off half way round the monkey,but I had to collect my son about 2 , good day though , and you didn't really notice the wind apart from the tree :D

Did wonder, glad you got back OK :D
Well, I'm just about to get the bike out of the car now! Couldn't be bothered last night. Thanks to all for pies and beer! I made it round just. This morning I have the usual post ride headache and agonised shoulders and wrists. Legs are fine though.

I was quite impressed With the new bridge over the railway. I managed to miss that being built!